Feedback from workshop evaluations
Your enthusiasm and willingness to guide and support the career development of our students provided them the encouragement they need to prepare next steps towards their career goals. You integrated fun, interactive activities for the students to let loose and be themselves while sharing important suggestions for how these improv exercises can be utilized to cope with their own personal and professional situations. I particularly appreciated your emphasis on showing confidence in all they say and do - to not dwell because there is no actual right or wrong. Job searching can be very disheartening at times, and this piece of insight really reminded all of us to not psych ourselves out and to just throw our hats in the ring.
Again, thank you so much for all your help, as I even learned a great deal myself for my practice as a career counselor and for my own professional development. I hope you enjoyed sharing your love of improv with our TC students as much as they valued learning from the exercises. Attached are the student evaluation forms for you to have as reference.
- Columbia Teacher's College Staff
Thank you so very much again for sharing your IMROV skills with fun and energy!!
- New School Staff
The workshop taught me to be comfortable and connect with my audience.
- Columbia Teacher's College Masters Student
The improv activities relaxed me and helped me understand interviewing better.
- Columbia Teacher's College Masters Student
Thanks so much for the Improv for Communication Skills event. It was incredibly beneficial for my confidence, and interest in improving my skill in not only presentations and interviews, but life.
- New School MFA Student
I really appreciated the sense of humor, playfulness, and energy that came from drawing on improv, and how the activities built an immediate sense of community in the room; all the more so because the job search can be a daunting, exhausting, and isolating time for many. I also felt that it was really nice to offer participants a framework that was broad enough that we could easily see how these skills could be applied to other professional contexts as well.
- Harvard PhD Student
Enjoyed the hands-on/group activities! They really helped me get out of my comfort zone and feel more able to approach strangers socially.
- Harvard PhD Student
I found the activities engaging and helpful! So much more effective than just listening to a lecture.
- Harvard Masters Student
I enjoy an improv warmup! It was fun! Jake was really good at putting us at ease.
- Harvard PhD Student
I really liked the way the presenter connected the various exercises to interviews
- Harvard Masters Student
The improv communication helped me Integrate creativity to answering questions and think on the spot.
- MIT Postdoc
I really liked the relaxing atmosphere, practical suggestions (e.g. warming up before the interview or talk)
- MIT Postdoc
I think I've been able to genuinely tap into more confidence. I recognize that it's a work-in-progress for me, but I really feel encouraged by that as a start. I've also used the method you modeled of checking in with the students from time to time. They looked so exhausted and stressed out that just being present for them in this way paved the way for a real connection, and that was largely thanks to you.
- MIT PhD Student
Jake maintained a positive attitude throughout. I think this encouraged others not to put themselves down, even jokingly. He did a great job at making sure everyone in the group quickly became comfortable with each other breaking down any barriers that would prevent individuals from fully engaging in the subsequent exercises.
- MIT PhD Student
Fun, engaging. The exercises were easy to approach and still enjoyable. Also, good job having the exercises feel applicable to our jobs.
- Fidelity Staff
Loved it! Very interactive. Gets you out of your comfort zone but did not feel too uncomfortable.
- Fidelity Staff
So fun! Helped me be comfortable at work and get to know program alumni that I didn't know.
- Fidelity Staff
It was a much needed pace from my regular routine. Getting to interact with people at a level I don't usually get to.
- Fidelity Staff
I was able to interact with coworkers that I hardly know, and I appreciated the calmness that I felt. Usually, I feel uncomfortable during these types of exercises.
- MIT HR Staff
It was great fun, and Jake related activities back to work with colleagues.
- MIT HR Staff
I liked the comfortable flow and the ability to openly express one's thoughts.
- MIT HR Staff